
What's a pipeline? How do I switch between Pipelines?

Gwenn Berry avatar
Written by Gwenn Berry
Updated over a week ago

What is a Pipeline?

Pipelines are the core unit of execution in Miqa. They represent a process that takes in an input of a particular type and generates results.

Pipelines may have multiple Workflows within them that execute on the same input type and generate the same output/result types. For example, the Demo Variant Calling Pipeline has both a bcftools and a freebayes workflow, which can both execute on the same pool of data sources and be post-processed to generate comparable results so that you can explore and report on their comparative performance.

If you have multiple analytical products or one product with multiple distinct modules, chances are you will have multiple pipelines. All of the core functionalities and views within Miqa operate within a Pipeline Context -- showing you the datasources, workflows, and stats that go along with your selected pipeline. To learn how to switch between multiple Pipeline Contexts and manage your bookmarked pipelines, view the tour Changing Pipeline Context in your help bot.

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