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Inviting Teammates to Join Your Organization
Inviting Teammates to Join Your Organization
Gwenn Berry avatar
Written by Gwenn Berry
Updated over a week ago

This article describes the process to add a new teammate to your organization.

Note: You must be an organization admin to invite new teammates.

  1. Navigate to the Organization management view.

  2. Scroll down to the Users section.

  3. Click the Add User button. A modal will open allowing you to add users by their email address. If the user has never used this Miqa instance, click Invite New User and enter their first and last name in addition to their email.

    User Type: For most use cases, the Full access user-type is the most appropriate. This gives the user access to view and run the organization's pipelines, datasets, and test runs, but not to administrative actions. If administrative access is needed (e.g. managing users, adding and deleting pipelines, etc.), choose Admin. If this user account is for a collaborator (e.g. limited curation-project access), choose Collaborator (note: this is an uncommon use case; if you are not sure, ask your support representative). This role can be edited later if needed.

  4. Save the user form. The new user will receive an invitation email with instructions to log in. If they have never used your Miqa instance before, there will be a second confirmation step in which the instance administrator grants them instance access. Pipeline acess can be revoked at any time by clicking on the "X" icon under Permissions in the Users table.

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